*By Sheila Kelley*

Happy June fierce women! This month S Factor is devoted to the

Dangerous Challenger Erotic Creature Icon. We are devoting this month to the fiery, badass warrior inside each woman. We all have all 10 Erotic Creature Icons in our body – core biological emotions that serve the purpose of getting us what we need to survive in life. So far we met the Innocent Teaser and the Blissful Pleaser and over the next few months we will meet all 10. The Dangerous Challenger is especially close to my heart because she is my Erotic Creature’s core emotion.

**Who is the Dangerous Challenger?**

She is the Erotic Creature that comes from the core body emotion of anger: she is tempestuous, smoldering, hot, mad, lethal, irritated, raging, pissed, explosive… She loves the burn of battle and she will fight to protect herself and her loved ones until the bitter end.

**Why do you need her?**

The Dangerous Challenger is rocket fuel – she will give you the firepower you need to move forward in life. She is the obstacle remover. She will destroy that which does not serve you like a cleansing fire, making way for the new. We all have this archetype – she is our tiger, our fighter, the wild woman inside who ruthlessly goes after what she desires.

**How can you find her?**

Start by finding clothing, textures, scents, sounds, songs that bring out your Dangerous Challenger. Maybe sinking into a deep squat with your back against the wall and heating up your quads until you can’t stand it anymore incites her. Maybe your biggest black stomping boots help you feel her. Music is a powerful way to access your emotional body and Erotic Creature Icons – the song that brings out my Dangerous Challenger is Digging for Windows by Zack de la Rocha. What is your Dangerous Challenger song? How do you dress your Dangerous Challenger? Watch my video below to hear more about my Dangerous Challenger and find out how she is the icon that started S Factor and this journey of sensuality and liberation for me. 


XO Sheila

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